Welcome to Edgerton United Methodist Church!
Welcome to Edgerton United Methodist Church! 

united methodist women

The Edgerton United Methodist Women meet weekly for Bible Study, at the home of the Lay Leader. The Scriptures studied are the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday service.

If you are interested in joining the UMW, or want to join the Bible Study, call the church office for more information.



Church Office hours are Tuesday-Friday, 10:30 am- 2:30 pm.

Mother/Daughter Brunch

Saturday, April 4, 2020

10 am at Edgerton UMC


The UMW ladies will be hosting their annual Mother/Daughter Brunch on Saturday, April 4, 2020, beginning at 10 am.  Egg casseroles, fruit and beverage will be provided.  Those attending are asked to bring coffee cake, breakfast rolls or muffins as a passing dish. 

   There is no cost, and tickets are not needed; however, those attending are asked to contact Karlyn McPike or Phyllis Smith by March 29, so they know how much food to prepare.   This is open to ALL ladies. So invite your family and friends to attend.

After taking their summer break, the Edgerton UMW Ladies' Bible Studies  will resume on Monday evenings beginning September 9 at 7:00 PM at the home of Karlyn McPike. Bible studies are weekly, Monday evenings from 7-8:30 PM.  If you need study materials, or are interested in joining the study group, please see Karlyn or call the church during office hours for additional information.


Where to Find Us:

Edgerton United Methodist Church


 307 N. Michigan Ave.

(Mailing address is:

P.O. Box 699)
Edgerton, OH 43517

Phone:  419 298-3243

Office Hours are 




Sunday Morning worship service begins with 'coffee hour' at 8:30 am, and worship service starts at 9:15 am.  Children's church is available during worship service 

What's New


Edgerton Community Food Pantry- located in the Edgerton UMC.


Open Thursdays  from 2-4 PM. 


(see Calendar of Events for holiday closures)


Enter the Hull Street entrance, go up the stairs and through the double doors at the top of the stairs. 



Prayer Ministry ...

If you have a concern that you wish to pray over, or if you wish for someone to pray with you (or for your concern), stop in or call the church to leave your prayer request on the answering machine or with the secretary.









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