Welcome to Edgerton United Methodist Church!
Welcome to Edgerton United Methodist Church! 


Girl Scout Cookie Sales and Ice Cream Social!!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

5-8 PM

Edgerton UMC

Join us that evening for an evening of fun and fellowship. The Edgerton United Methodist Women will be serving Ice cream from 5-8 (free will offering taken to support mission projects of the UMW), Girl Scouts will be present, selling Girl Scout Cookies, and the Cub Scouts will be present, hosting a Cake Walk.  Come out and satisfy your sweet tooth while supporting these great organizations!!!

The girl scouts have been very busy, and recently gained several new members, really boosting their numbers, which is awesome after only 1 year since they got the troop restarted!  One of their most recent activites involved making hats- 1 to wear, and 1 to share! Each girl made 2 hats, one for themself, and 1 to share with someone else (the hats to share when into the coat drive box, which is a service project that the scouts are currently holding).  If anyone has any coats to donate, they can be dropped off at the church during business hours, or on Sunday mornings.


Working on their banner for the Homecoming Festival parade!

The Edgerton Girl Scouts got a visit from the Williams County Sheriff's Department and their K-9 units. They got to watch the dogs demonstrate how they do their jobs in assisting the police.

Edgerton was without an active Girl Scout troop for awhile, but in late 2016, interest was shown in bringing Girl Scouting back to the community. With a well attended parent/child meeting and a couple dedicated volunteers, Girl Scouts made an energetic comeback! They kicked off the year with their annual cookie sale, and set up a booth at the Business and Industry Show here in town, to help the community see that once again we have a Girl Scout organization.  The girls have been meeting weekly, thanks to the very dedicated parents and grandparents who have given of their time to make this happen.  Any girls in the community who are interested in joining can call the church to get more information about who to contact. Keep watching this page for more pictures and details of their fun activities and adventures!!

On Wednesday evening, March 8, the Girl Scouts got treated to a lesson in hula dancing, taught by Nannette Guillaume.  From the smiles, I'd say they all had a very enjoyable evening making hula skirts and learning how to hula dance!!  A huge thank you to Nannette for giving of her time to come for the evening and teach the girls!

Where to Find Us:

Edgerton United Methodist Church


 307 N. Michigan Ave.

(Mailing address is:

P.O. Box 699)
Edgerton, OH 43517

Phone:  419 298-3243

Office Hours are 




Sunday Morning worship service begins with 'coffee hour' at 8:30 am, and worship service starts at 9:15 am.  Children's church is available during worship service 

What's New


Edgerton Community Food Pantry- located in the Edgerton UMC.


Open Thursdays  from 2-4 PM. 


(see Calendar of Events for holiday closures)


Enter the Hull Street entrance, go up the stairs and through the double doors at the top of the stairs. 



Prayer Ministry ...

If you have a concern that you wish to pray over, or if you wish for someone to pray with you (or for your concern), stop in or call the church to leave your prayer request on the answering machine or with the secretary.









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