Girl Scout Cookie Sales and Ice Cream Social!!
Saturday, March 9, 2019
5-8 PM
Edgerton UMC
Join us that evening for an evening of fun and fellowship. The Edgerton United Methodist Women will be serving Ice cream from 5-8 (free will offering taken to support mission projects of the UMW), Girl Scouts will be present, selling Girl Scout Cookies, and the Cub Scouts will be present, hosting a Cake Walk. Come out and satisfy your sweet tooth while supporting these great organizations!!!
From overnight campouts to service projects, the Cub Scouts stayed busy this summer. A few of them even took a big road trip to help set up tents for the Jamboree! Here are a few pictures showing just some of the events they've taken part in over the last couple months.
Members of the Edgerton Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and FFA worked side by side helping sort and package food for the food panty. Thanks to a VERY generous donation from a local organization, the Food Pantry was the recipient of a large quantity of meat & potatoes. The students worked very hard helping divide the food into small distributable portions. After all their hard work, they were treated to a meal of pizza!
The Edgerton Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts camped out at the Williams County Fairground September 27-28. While there, they made birdhouses to donate to the fairgrounds as a service project.
Edgerton's Scouting programs are all blessed with great individuals who go above & beyond to assure that the youth of our community learn the values & skills it takes to be successful in life! This campout was just one of many examples of that dedication!